‍‍‍Spaciousness & The Gift of Listening

Truly listening has the power to heal and this is something most of us have experienced. Being witnessed, being heard, receiving open and generous attention are moments of deep connection with our fellow humans, animals, beings, the world. It can gift us with a sense of openness, and help us find peace with where we are in this moment, lessening our sense of struggle.

Resources for your Support and Inspiration

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The Art of Aging Gracefully

Lengthening and widening is our innate way of being, no matter what age. If it is not true for you at this time, it is within you, part of you, it is your natural way of functioning and accessible to you always, no matter what age or state of health you are in.

What does that mean ?

Living Poise Coaching

with Loba Chudak


Articles & Meditations

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About Loba Chudak

‍‍‍‍‍‍Loba Chudak, is a life long artist, intuitive healer and entrepreneur. As soul vision mentor, life balance & awareness coach, she works with women, sensitive souls and those that are eager to express their lives vision and create from the heart.

With creative approaches, compassionate listening, proven practices and practical steps, she inspires their courage and strengthens their ability to create steady progress towards realizing their hearts goals.  ‍

Her private coaching and seminars allow women to outgrow self-imposed limits, transform drama & pain and move into more confidence,  joy and inner peace: Moving forward saying YES to themselves, renewing their passion and embodying their purpose - the projects, lives &  business they desire to create.