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Copyright © 2020 LivingPoiseCoaching, L.C. Chudak | Site designed & developed by L.C. Chudak | All Rights Reserved |

Your wish is to....

  • feel supported in your journey as a creative soul and pathfinder and connect with others
  • strengthen your vision to complete an existing project or create something entirely new
  • get clear about how to prioritize your steps and create the bridge from where you are to where you want to go
  • maintain balance and upgrade your mindset to hone new feminine leadership skills
  • design your authentic livelihood so you can make money doing what you love in fulfilling and satisfying ways
  • create a plan to build something new while continuing your current activity, occupation/job
  • balance the day to day demands of many to do's with the necessity of creating real results
  • create a strong foundation with tools that work for you and are completely authentic to who you are

                                 [email protected]

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You would like to....

  • take your next step in creating your passion project, heart's vision, creative calling or business and feel that it is time to make your move
  • create a step by step plan and are looking for support, inspiration and accountability in implementing and manifesting your goal
  • get going on your project and while you have clarity in some areas you feel vague and overwhelmed in others
  • untangle yourself from old ways of doing things that cost you precious time and ultimately prevent you from following through on your true path
  • find a way to constructively work with feelings of overwhelm, self sabotage, inner criticism, hiding out and procrastination

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About Loba Chudak

Loba Chudak is an artist, entrepreneur, life balance & soul vision/livelihood mentor. She works with women, sensitive souls and those who long to bring more balance and harmony back into their life, create from the heart, and strive to manifest their dreams and life vision.

As a performing artist, intuitive, and AmSAT certified teacher of the F.M. Alexander Technique she has worked with people from all walks of life for more than 30 years.

With creative approaches, compassionate listening and practical steps, she inspires their courage and strengthens their ability to create steady progress towards realizing their hearts goals.  ‍ Her private coaching and seminars allow women to outgrow self-imposed limits, transform drama & pain and move into more confidence,  joy and inner peace: Moving forward saying YES to themselves, renewing their passion and embodying their purpose - the projects & lives they desire to create.

For women and men who want to manifest a dream, realize a project, create a soulful livelihood and expand their reach by joyfully sharing authentically from their heart.

Follow your Heart - Make your Mark & Create

'Make your Mark' Coaching Series

Follow your Heart

Contact me for a FREE get-acquainted conversation

Discover your next empowering steps. Together we will listen for where you stand, where you would like to go, what could be possible for you and how I can support you in taking your next inspired and empowered steps.

Nurture a new level of inner centeredness and clarity. Bring your authentic voice, particular gift and important next step to your community and the world, your gift is needed now!

I am wholeheartedly here for you,

Inspiration & Down to Earth Practical Steps, so you can implement and succeed in creating the vision of your heart.

Your Dream is Waiting  patiently - Bring it to Life


Develop a plan and the courage to stop doing what is not working, compassion and acceptance for yourself for where you are, and the momentum to start/continue a project, life/currier change that has been calling you.

  • begin or complete a creative project
  • create a plan to leave your current occupation and/or create the livelihood you have been thinking about
  • have a clear outline for your next steps and goals
  • declutter inside and out - embrace mindset tools that support you to leave behind what you no longer need
  • get support and accountability in creating practical, sustainable action steps